GNM Lecture Videos & DVDs

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Apple laptops play our GNM Tutorials well if they are invoked via the Chrome browser.

Click on an image or select an item to see the details ...




presented by Caroline Markolin, Ph.D.

Recording Date: May 15th, 2010
Running Time: 60 minutes

Watch ONLINE (for free) in English

The Cause and Natural Healing of Breast Cancer

Recording Date: May 15th, 2010
Running Time: 51 minutes

Watch ONLINE (for free) in English


... or purchase this video as a hard copy DVD.
Click on the icon.

Caroline Markolin, Ph.D. has produced a collection of five GNM Tutorials
(18.5 hours of GNM teaching). Click here for more details.


presented by Caroline Markolin, Ph.D.

Recording Date: November 4, 2009
Running Time: 114 minutes

“Infectious Disease” - The Five Biological Laws - Is Cancer a Fungus?
Embryology, the Foundation of GNM
Pandemics and Epidemics - Do Viruses cause Diseases?
AIDS and Hepatitis - SUPPORT SYSTEM instead of “Immune System”
Test Methods, Vaccination-induced Distress

Watch ONLINE (for free) in English - part 1 and part 2

avec sous-titres français (partie 1 et partie 2)

met Nederlandse ondertitels (Teil 1 & Teil 2)

με ελληνικούς υπότιτλους (part 1)

amb subtítols en català (part 1 i part 2)

con subtítulos en español (parte 1 y parte 2)


Bulgarian Transcript

... or purchase this video as a hard copy DVD.
Click on the icon.

Caroline Markolin, Ph.D. has produced a collection of five GNM Tutorials
(18.5 hours of GNM teaching). Click here for more details.


presented by Caroline Markolin, Ph.D.

Recording Date: March 4, 2010
Running Time: 122 minutes

The Five Biological Laws - Abandonment Conflict - Cervical Cancer - Prostate Cancer -
The Kidney Collecting Tubule Syndrome - ADD, ADHD, Alzheimer's

Watch ONLINE (for free) in English - part 1 and part 2


avec sous-titres français (partie 1 & partie 2)

amb subtítols en català (part 1 i part 2)

con subtítulos en español (parte 1 y parte 2)

in English (Part 1)
in English (Part 2)
with Catalan subtitles (Part 1)
with Catalan subtitles (Part 2)
with French subtitles (Part 1)
with French subtitles (Part 2)
with Spanish subtitles (Part 1)
with Spanish subtitles (Part 2)

Bulgarian Transcript

... or purchase this video as a hard copy DVD.
Click on the icon.

Caroline Markolin, Ph.D. has produced a collection of five GNM Tutorials
(18.5 hours of GNM teaching). Click here for more details.


presented by Caroline Markolin, Ph.D.

Recording Date: February 3, 2011
Running Time: 119 minutes

The Cause of Heart Attacks - Standard Theory - Summary of Five Biological Laws -Heart Development (Organ–Germ Layer Relation) - Coronary Artery related Heart Attack - Cholesterol Theory - Lung Embolism - GNM – Prevention through Knowledge - Myocardium related Heart Attack - High Blood Pressure Theory - Sleep Apnea

Watch ONLINE (for free) in English

avec sous-titres français (partie 1, partie 2 & partie 3)

met Nederlandse ondertitels (Teil 1, Teil 2 & Teil 3)

amb subtítols en català (part 1, part 2 i part 3)

con subtítulos en español (parte 1, parte 2 y parte 3)
in English (Part 1)
in English (Part 2)
in English (Part 3)
with Catalan Subtitles (Part 1)
with Catalan Subtitles (Part 2)
with Catalan Subtitles (Part 3)
with Dutch Subtitles (Part 1)
with Dutch Subtitles (Part 2)
with Dutch Subtitles (Part 3)
with French subtitles (Part 1)
with French subtitles (Part 2)
with French subtitles (Part 3)
with Spanish Subtitles (Part 1)
with Spanish Subtitles (Part 2)
with Spanish Subtitles (Part 3)

... or purchase this video as a hard copy DVD.
Click on the icon.

Caroline Markolin, Ph.D. has also produced a collection of five GNM Tutorials
(18.5 hours of GNM teaching). Click here for more details.